Here are the simple steps needed to create our mini-books
We love questions and interacting with other homeschooling families online. As we are getting closer to the ten year mark on homeschooling, we sometimes forget that others may be new to our style of learning or homeschooling in general. So today we received a simple little e-mail from Tracy asking us how to create and assemble our My Books Mini-books. We thought that we should post an answer to it to help those who are new to this easy, fun and quite popular resource.
To make this resource you will need the following:
- the printed .PDF file
- a scissors or paper cutter
- a stapler
- writing and/or art supplies
Step OneFind a mini-book of interest. See our collection
Step Two
Fill in the required information on the individual pages. Each page is numbered. Some pages may or may not have prompts. Each book was created for our children or by special request by someone outside of our family. Children may choose to write out the information, draw in the information or use a combination of both. Some younger writers may only be able to get out one word; older learners may be able to write a whole paragraph. Bullets work well too as a writing prompt as in our sample picture at the top of the page. Using a small ruler to draw in lines as needed can be quite helpful too for those learners who are still building confidence in their writing skills.
* Note that the pages will be cut out and stapled on the left hand side so it is best not to have children write directly to the edges of the lines as they may risk snipping off the last little y or g. We learned that the hard Also you may end up stapling over their written words on the left side so be mindful of the staple marks. We also learned that the hard
Step ThreeCarefully have the kiddos (or you) cut apart the individual pages on the dotted lines using a scissors or a simple page cutter like those used in scrap booking.
Step FourStack pages in order - Title page, numbered pages, and End page. Page numbers are located on the bottom of each page. A few of our very first My Book Mini-books may not have page numbers but we felt they were still valuable enough to leave on the website.
Step FiveStaple pages together at the left hand side where the staple marks indicate. Again, a few of our older mini-books may not have the markings.
Step Six
Affix the mini-book to a notebook, F3 folder, lapbook, project or onto one of our Mini-book Keepsake Pages. Our collection includes lots of choices for both boys and girls of varying ages and can be found
HERE. You may also choose to leave your books loose and store them on a book shelf or in reading basket as well.
We hope this helps. :) Feel free to drop us a comment via our blog or to
email us directly with a question or feedback. And now, y
ou can also find us on Facebook and Twitter. Just a few more ways that we are trying to offer support to homeschooling families around the globe.
That Resource Team