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Lenten Prayer Project Helps Keep Us Focused During the Season.

Use this daily Lenten Prayer Project for special intentions during the 40-day season of Lent. Intentions can be for family members, friends, your priest, ministry workers, the ill, departed loved ones, needs of the world - just about anything you feel needs specific prayer.

The project spans the entire season of Lent, however, it can be started after Ash Wednesday and used for the remaining portion of the time. It requires a special intention be picked everyday and written on the prayer pieces provided. (Drawing and affixing pictures or photographs are fine alternatives to writing as well.) Pieces are then posted on a bulletin or mantle piece, and a decade of the Rosary is prayed and offered for the specified intention. A progress chart is also included for daily use, if desired.

Expect to find in this project file a convenient instruction sheet that also reminds one how to say a decade of the Rosary, daily progress sheet and 42 prayer pieces (forty plus two spares.)

This project is simple and requires only a few minutes a day to complete; however, the rewards will be great as we help others and prepare our hearts for our Lord's Resurrection.

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