St. Francis of Assisi reminded us to preach the Gospel at all times and to use words when necessary. Perhaps you may be like me and need of some words to help you remember historical facts and especially those events dealing with the Catholic Church. You can download and incorporate a five-page resource to create a 14th Century Timeline Notebook. This resource offers a peek at key events of the 1300s. It begins with the 1300 Jubilee year when coins of Florence were accepted as first International currency and ends with the death of Death of Bl. Raymond of Capua in 1399. Catholic events are highlighted in blue, and space has been left to write about additional events of the 14th century.
The second resource shared by Shell today is an Academic Diary for 2012-2013. This 24 page printable resource can be printed single or double sided and can be the simple help you need to keep track of events in the church calendar, the liturgical year and, of course, your own daily or weekly activities. The calendar runs from September 2012-August 2013. The accompanying diary pages are laid out with a simple design allowing for lines and spaces and some poetic inspiration.
Thanks so much for generously sharing these resources with us, Shell! Your charity reminds me of a little gem my pastor spoke to me this week, "Generosity is how we show our love to God."