Over 30+ Free New Word Searches Based on our Animal Word Families

New Word Searches Help Improve Reading and Phonics Skills

We have been very busy behind the scenes creating new resources for our children, and yours too! :)  As we are year-round learners, many of our curriculum resources are coming to a close.  We are finishing up books and looking to begin new things.  That being said, we are creating new lessons and resources out of necessity.  We have lots of new and exciting things in the works and today we begin to share them.

We have created over 30 new word searches based on phonetic word families and have paired them up with animals.  Each two page puzzle file displays a specific animal for the puzzle and includes an answer sheet.  They are simple and fun to complete. 

If you have used any of our Animal Word Family learning resources before, then you know how things may work a bit already.  They were originally designed just to teach phonics to K/1 learners, but the good news is that we are expanding those resources to include science, spelling, writing, and more subjects to appeal to a bit older aged children.  This completely free program for primary aged children should be a lot of fun and something that your kiddos will come to look forward to using on a daily basis.  So, here is a taste of the fun to come!

We look forward to sharing more details and resources very soon. 

Click HERE to see this collection of word searches.
Click HERE to see our entire collection of word searches.


Kalei - That Resource Team

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