New Awesome Lenten Little Lesson - Includes Everything You Need For Meaningful Learning Fun

Help prepare for Lent and Easter with this Beautiful 72 Page Little Lesson on the Via Dolorosa

We are beginning to think about Lent in our little homeschool.  We are taking stock of the Lenten resources we have to share with you, including meatless and yummy recipes that we will begin sharing shortly on our recipe blog.  But we are so excited to share today's resource with you all.  It is a wonderful Little Lesson on the Via Dolorosa or Road of Sorrows created by Michelle over at Thinking Love, No Twaddle.  You'll want to make sure that you put this into your lesson planning.

This Little Lesson isn't little at all - it's 72 pages!!  Michelle has lovingly written some beautiful text about the Sorrows surrounding the life and death of our Lord as well as details of specifically Lent, Holy Week and the Passion of our Lord.  I especially like that she takes Holy Week day by day in her lesson, but also that she has thought to include a bit of everything you would want to help learn about the richness of this upcoming season.  Here is a bit of what she has included:  background and explanatory text covering Lent, Holy Week, Palm Sunday, Stations of the Cross, The Seven Last Words and more;  beautiful classic art depicting and reinforcing important events, history pieces, F3 (lapbook style) pieces, scripture references, notebooking sheets, copywork prompts and opportunities for discussion and prayer.  Plus she has left some pages blank so that this can be printed back to back, allowing for activity pieces to be cut out without wrecking the text.  Oh, this is such a little gem!  Here are just a few sample pages:

Please say a prayer for Michelle as she has put in quite a bit of time and energy into this.  We are so thankful that she is willing to share the things she makes for her kiddos with our kiddos, and yours too.  This is a larger download, as you might expect, but it is a great way to study this most important and beautiful part of the Catholic liturgical season.

Click HERE to be able to download this resource - The Via Dolorosa.
Click HERE to see all of the free resources that Michelle has shared with us so far.
Click HERE to find out how you can be a friend to other homeschoolers by sharing some resources you may have made.

We hope that you really enjoy this little lesson and if you know another family that could benefit from this resource, please consider passing along our site or blog to them so that they can download  and use it as well.


Kalei - That Resource Site Team

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