Faith Lesson on Creation - Includes Acitivity & Poster, New Game and Matching F3 Piece

Who Made This? game
God is . . . The Creator
Today we offer a fun filled lesson on Creation as it is described in the book of Genesis in the Bible.  This lesson has three parts:

1. Finding out what your children already know about Creation
2. Sharing the account of Creation from the Bible
3. Recalling the facts and details

Begin the lesson by finding out what your learners already know about Creation. 

This is a perfect time for a family or class discussion.  This can take as much or as little time as needed.  You want to find out what the children already think about how the world got to be in existence.  Ask for the details that they can recall about this colossal event.

Share that God created the world out of nothing.  Explain that God created the world and everything good in it as it is one of His perfections (All Powerful) and also that He made everything to work in a most perfect way together as part of another one of His perfections (all Wise).  To help children figure out what God created and what man has made, play this very short but engaging game called, "Who Made This".  This game uses actual photographs of things and asks children to categorize who made it.  Each of the cards is numbered and an answer key is provided for quick reference.  Many important things are included in the pictures that children confuse as God created vs. man made like the rosary, the church, chalice, etc..  I have used it in a group and it worked perfectly.  You can always create two sets and have the game played in separate groups.  There are a total of 32 cards.

Share the account of Creation from the Bible.

Download and build your Ladder of Creation poster before the lesson.  Simply print it out, fold and overlap the pieces, and tape together to create a five foot colour poster.  The ladder is noted with numbers to represent the different days of Creation.  Hang your ladder on the wall, bulletin board or door.  Print out and cut apart the Creation Ladder Word Pieces to go along with this activity.

Read out loud the account of Creation from the Bible or use an easier version that you may have or your DRE can recommend.  Have children tape the corresponding piece onto the ladder as they hear it mentioned in the account. If you are working with more than a few children, as in a CCD class, simply divide out the word pieces evenly amongst the children.  An answer card is included for quick reference.

Recall and solidify the facts.
Using our F3 piece to correspond with this lesson, learners cut and paste two pieces together to create a single flap that asks them to recall what happens on each day of creation.  The piece matches the theme of the lesson and can easily be added to their Catechism F3 Folder.  Instructions are provided on the piece.

Click Here to download the Who Made This? game.
Click Here to download the Ladder of Creation poster.
Click Here to download the Ladder of Creation word pieces.
Click Here to download the Ladder of Creation F3 piece.

I hope this lesson helps make your learning time more enjoyable.


Kalei - That Resource Team

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