F3 Pieces for Each of Elements and a New Idea for F3 Fans

Flip, Flap & Fold Pieces help bring the elements to life in a new easy to make notebook project.

So I knew this request would be inevitably coming from my daughter, "Mom can you make an F3 piece for each of the elements of the periodic table?" And so it did yesterday.  I began working on the element pieces in the same style as the physics/chemistry term pieces as she requested.    They are simple to use and non-threatening.  They can help learners acknowledge information that they already know, think about what they still want to know about the element as well as note what they learn on their journey of discovery.  This CM inspired resource is far different than a fill in the blank worksheet in that children learn and create out of what inspires and moves from the material. But the question for me then became what to do with all the finished pieces??

I realized just how lovely these little pieces of paper grew to be in the hands of my child.  The joy that they inspired for a subject that was once met with apathy, disdain and at one point rebellion.  But what do we do with all of these pieces??  We didn't want to create a full F3 Folder for each one as that was way to daunting a task.  So we put our heads together and came up with this really great notebook project that anyone can make.  You really just need some cardstock, (coloured cardstock works great), two pieces of cardboard - even a cereal box will do, and something to bind it with.  We used a comb bind spine but you can also use a hole punch and insert rings, long twist ties, twine - anything really.  This project can be as simple or as fancy as you want it to be.

Sample pages from our scientific terms notebook.
Simply cut the cardstock in half (8.5"x5.5").  Use as many sheets as you desire.  Stack in a rainbow array of colours. Cut your two cardboard pieces slightly larger than the half sheets.  We added .25" to each side.  Bind at the shorter end using your method of preference and voila your notebook is ready.  Decorate the cover as desired.

As your learner completes the F3 element pieces they simply affix them to a page in their new notebook.  They fit absolutely perfectly for this project.  You may want to do what my daughter did which was to create a whole notebooks of scientific terms and info.  Just a thought.

The links below provide the files to specific element pieces.  Use as few or as many as you desire. 
Click Here to download the F3 Pieces for elements No. 1-25
Click Here to download the F3 Pieces for elements No. 26-50
Click Here to download the F3 Pieces for elements No. 51-75
Click Here to download the F3 Pieces for elements No. 76-100
Click Here to download the F3 Pieces for elements No. 101-118

We hope this inspires your child to learn about the elements in a fun and very engaging way.


Kalei - That Resource Team

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