Sweet Beautiful Homekeeping Resources for Mums and Daughters

Victorian themed goodies from the new, Young Homekeeper's Collection from Life in the Little Nest.

If you have ever wanted to really incorporate gentle learning with home skills then today is your day to start - or at least be inspired to start - compliments of Kim over at Life in the Little Nest.  Today she has some really sweet note cards to share with mums and daughters as well as some bookplates and a bookmark that is sure to speak to the hearts of Charlotte (CM) educators.

We are called to be the first teachers of our children, and that includes home skills - especially for our daughters.  Today's resource can surely help with this task.  Each note card set is a two page resource that not only provides a beautiful make it yourself card and envelope, it also has suggestions on how to use it with your daughters.  There are three sets available. 

*There is one set for "The Seamstress" to encourage sewing and other hand sewing arts. 

*There is another set for "The Good Book" to encourage daily prayer, devotion and reading God's Word.

*The last resource is a note card set for "Lessons From My Mother" to encourage your daughter in her growth and share your life stories with her.  This set is perfect for an invitation to tea with your daughter at home or even at the local java house, for a special outing and special time together.

The bookplates are a lovely addition to books your family intends to keep and the bookmark allows your young reader to mark their favourite books in the page as well as on the bookmark itself.

Click HERE to download today's goodies from Kim's new resource section - The Young Homekeeper's Collection.
Click HERE to see all the resources shared by the Little Nest.
Thanks for sharing, Kim!  These sweet resources have inspired and encouraged me to make more time to share the little treasures in life with my own children - outside of formal lessons.


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