Teaching the Faith Using . . . Valentines!?!

Little treats bring a sweetness to your heart, taste buds and the faith!

Last year I wanted to share the faith in a unique and memorable way with my children at home as well as in my CCD class at our parish.  I had seen valentine's using scripture quotes, but I wanted something that was uniquely Catholic.  So I decided to trace and cut out a heart from card stock, decorate it with artwork featuring quickie simple truths from the Faith (CCC) and attach a matching heart candy.  The result - wow!! 

As a family, we created close to a hundred valentines and distributed them to friends, family, students, fellow catechists, residents at the retirement that we volunteer at monthly, and even our pastor.  Each person responded with a heart felt smile - even those who weren't even Christian!!  Such a great experience and testimony to how charity can positively affect others.

Here are some great little truths for you to use that incorporate the use the word love, if you would like to make your own catechism valentines:
  • God is Love CCC:221
  • God loves you and wants you to be with Him in heaven. CCC:221, 543
  • God is abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. CCC:224
  • God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. CCC:219
  • God's love is everlasting. CCC:220
  • God alone is enough. CCC:227
Trace the heart, cut it out, decorate it with the verse of choice, cut a little slit to poke your lollipop through and tape the stem to the back with scotch tape.  By using a heart lollipop, the idea of "love" is reinforced in a sensory way - the color red for love, the shape of a heart as a synonym for love and the sweetness to be treasured like God's gift of love should be to us.

Hope this helps bring some sweetness to your celebration, class session, lesson, meeting or Valentine's Day.


Kalei - That Resource Team

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