NEW - Personal Journal Sheet Sets for Learners or Adults :)

Set 1
 New Personal Journal sets help bring colour and charm to turn any folder into a diary, Bible study notebook or learning progress keepsake.

I love the way the Lord takes care of all of our needs - even the littlest ones.  We began reading Robinson Crusoe this week and I thought it might be a good idea for our oldest to keep a journal for a week, like Crusoe, noting her thoughts and observations she had about how she interacted in her own environment and the people in it.  I then thought that it would have been nice to have some journal sheets I could just print off for her that would simple, colourful but soothing.  I didn't have any made, although it has been on my heart and then I opened my e-mail to find that Michelle from Thinking Love, No Twaddle had just made four different sets of them!!  The Lord is good!!
Set 2
Set 3

So although I had something else originally slated to share today, I wanted to change my line up and share these cute writing sets with you.  There are four different styles which I have highlighted below.  They show only one page of the set of seven, but it's just so you can see the theme and colouring of the sheet.

Each file contains seven pages and includes colour as well as black and white versions of pages.  Each set has a different styles and page arrangements to accommodate most writing needs.  These pages can be useful for children, but also for parents or teachers who may want a quiet spot to note prayer requests, scripture study, days events, notes on schooling, or a spot to jot down teaching or discussion notes.
Set 4

I hope that these little printable notebooking or writing sheets are useful to you today and we look forward to sharing more sweet printables tomorrow.
God bless you, Michelle, for all that you share with us in the service to our Lord through helping others!

Click Here to download Journal Set 1
Click Here to download Journal Set 2
Click Here to download Journal Set 3
Click Here to download Journal Set 4

Click HERE to visit Michelle's page on That Resource Site and see all of her freebie goodies for us all.


Kalei - That Resource Team

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