Little Lesson for Older Learners on Obedience as Discerned Through Milgram's Experiment

The modern repetition of this classic experiment can teach us a lot about our willingness to obey authority. 

Today we highlight a new Little Lesson by Michelle from Thinking Love, No Twaddle.  This lesson is geared for mature or teen learners.  It focuses on an experiment of the 1960's by professor Stanley Milgram in which he shows that peoples' willingness to obey those in authority.  Although the results of the experiment can be quite disturbing, Michelle helps learners to look at obeying authority as it applies to our Lord and out Faith.

This lesson has ten pages which include an introductory page, a lesson text pages, scripture references, copywork pages, and a series of notebooking pages on St. Maximilian Kolbe, and Milgram's experiment itself - with though provoking questions too.

Here are a few sample pages:

This could be a nice little study for a day that could help your teen develop more confidence to hold fast against peer pressure of a social, physical or even political nature.  Seen through the lens of our faith, we learn and reiterate the concept that God is, or should be, the ultimate authority in our lives.

Click HERE to download this Little Lesson on Obedience to Authority.
Click HERE to visit Michelle's blog and read her post about this resource.


That Resource Team

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