Advent. . .the Coming F3 Lapbook Style Activity and Go-Along Notebooking Sheet

Fun activities help children learn about and invite the season of Advent into their hearts and minds.

Advent begins this weekend.  It is the season that prepares us for the nativity of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  Today we offer a very fun and effective way of reviewing the main points of Advent using our F3 lapbook style activity sheet and a specialized set of notebooking papers.

The F3 activity presents the concept of your child being a Faith Detective as they learn about their faith.  It is self contained and can be used alone or added to a current F3 folder or project you may already have on the go.   In a question filled, clue-finding way, children are presented with the following questions and asked to figure them out.

Who's coming?
When are they coming?
Why are they coming?
Where are they coming?

Using the sheets provided, scissors and glue, they can create and write the answers to the questions out themselves using resources they have at home or info from formal lessons or they can use the answers provided for them in boxes that they simply cut and glue into place.  This helps younger learners who are not confident writers to easily complete this activity as well as CCD classes who may have a time constraint to work around or with.  answers are given.  Instructions are included on the individual sheets and labels are provided in gray to help children glue things properly into place.

As an additional fun activity, older learners may want to complete one of our newspaper style notebooking sheets to write an "article" about Advent or the Nativity itself.  The notebooking sheets are available in different styles with opportunities for drawing or attaching a photograph about the forthcoming important events.

We hope this helps you start your season of preparation for our Lord with thoughtfulness, smiles and joy!!

Click HERE to get the Advent Faith Detective F3 Activity.
Click HERE to get the Newspaper Style Notebooking Sheets.


That Resource Team

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