Special F3 Folder for Catechism Lessons

Fun F3 Folders help solidify learning and keep things organized.

Some of you have decided to join me for my weekly Catechism Lessons or would like to do these activities in your own CCD classroom or homeschool.  I have previously made reference to my special F3 Folder that I use each year. Today I share with you my unique and fun approach to goal oriented learning, tracking student progress and lesson planning all in one.

I start off with the most important 25 concepts that I intend to cover for the year.  Planned on a 35 week year it takes into account Christmas and spring breaks, snow days, and the flexibility to spend an extra week here and there covering topics that need reviewing.  I generally do not give tests but rather do most all assessments with assignments, activities, and game play.

Using a two page system, I grid out 25 squares.  I put each of the topics we will cover in a square on the page.  I allow one week per topic knowing that a few topics will take a few classes to cover.  These squares represent the topics covered not necessarily recalled to perfection.  For example, we have the whole year to memorize the Ten Commandments in order but I will spend one night specifically on how the Ten Commandments are the basis for the examination of our conscience. I place a wonderful picture as the grid background of Jesus and the children with the topics still visible.  Download this two page (grey scale & colour) resource Here.

I trim the grid to fit the F3 folder.  I then glue a grey scale version of the grid on the front of the folder.  As we cover different topics, I give a coloured piece of the grid to the children to affix in their F3 Folder (See pic. above).  At a glance, I can tell who has been in class when and who has covered what material.  The children love seeing the colour picture unfold and it makes a great little keepsake at the end of the year.

I also include a few other things in my binder to start the year off in the right direction.  They include Prayers I Should Know and More Prayers I Should Know which can be found here on our resource site.  I place them in clear plastic page protectors so that they are durable. 

I also give out Mass Journal sheets and I require one a month to be turned in after children attend weekly Mass.  They can be printed out and hole punched and put in folders or they can be cut and glued onto and into an F3 Folder.  I have used both ways successfully before.  You can see both versions of my Mass Journal Notebooking Sheets or even other notebooking sheets perfect for a learning journal here.  In the past I have also required Learning Journals in years where attendance has been a problem.  Thankfully it is not all that often. :)

I hope this helps or inspires your learning year in some small way.


Kalei - That Resource Team

Feel free to contact me via our website if you have questions.

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