Worksheets on September Feast Days Triumph of the Cross and the Archangels

New worksheets honour our Lord and highlight the archangels.

As many families head back to scheduled learning, the days will fill with activities, lessons, field trips, and bustle.  So many families spend the summer months going gung-ho on religious crafts and fun faith building activities but slow right down to a snails pace when the realities of the school year return.  Our sincerest prayer for all families is that they may live and school with our Lord at the centre of it all, year-round!  Many of our resources incorporate the faith right into them whether it is a math game, adjective worksheet, wall calendar, family project or virtue lesson.  We want to keep God present and obviously placed everywhere we can in our lives. 

Today's shared resource is an seven page worksheet packet shared by Michelle Scott over at
Thinking Love, No Twaddle.  This packet provides a good solid way to go through the month of September walking right next to our Lord.  September is traditionally a month dedicated to the Holy Cross.  Michelle has chosen to highlight, and cover very well we might add, Sept. 14th Triumph of the Holy Cross and Sept.29th the Feast of the Archangels in this packet.  Her always informative and engaging sheets help children make connections in their faith.  She includes great information, morsels of forgotten richness of our Catholic faith, art history, a little bit of Latin, a notebooking sheet and more.  These are geared for independent learning for a bit older or great for family learning and discussion too!!

We hope that this resource will help you keep Christ at the centre of your homeschool this month.

Click Here to download this resource packet for September.
Click Here to see all of Michelle's Contributions on our website.


That Resource Team

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