Little Litugical Year For September - St. Jerome

Worksheet Pack to Teach About the Transcriber of the Bible, St. Jerome

September is a great month to get children inspired and excited about reading the Bible.  St. Jerome's feast day is the 30th of September.  He was an amazing hardworking saint credited with painstakingly copying God's word from many different languages into the common or Vulgate Latin version of the Bible.  Many people thought him to be quite grumpy but that thought never even entered my mind.  If you have ever done graduate work, you know about the tediousness and accuracy that is required in a thesis or dissertation.  Now imagine doing work a hundred times more meaningful, under pure obedience, on a document that would become THE most important book in history!  Yikes!!!  I'd be grumpy too - oh, the sheer pressure of it all.  Yet, St. Jerome did an excellent job.  So much so that he became a Doctor of the Catholic Church.

Today we offer a neat 3 page resource pack about St. Jerome created by Michelle Scott over at Thinking Love, No Twaddle.  This is a set includes great info about this saint, a chance to practice using the Bible while a little Latin is learned as well.  There is even copywork included.  Concise, accurate and bright, this is a great way to introduce the Bible to children through the eyes of St. Jerome.

Click Here to download this Little Liturgical Lesson on St. Jerome.

Don't forget to mark the 30th of September on your Calendar and experience the efforts of St. Jerome by reading the Bible that day.


Kalei - That Resource Team

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