Keeping Your Learning Goals on Track With Goal Oriented Teaching

Help Organize Your CCD or Homeschool Year with Goal Oriented Teaching

As we begin a new CCD year or home learning year, there is so much to think about.  Resources, supplies, schedules, meetings - there are so many details.  But, one of the most important things to keep in mind is what you want your learners to actually know by the end of the year.  Goal oriented teaching can work for many different teachers (and learners).  Goal oriented learning takes the pressure off the textbooks and curriculum and puts the joy back in learning.  As goals are met using various selected resources, progress is made and learning is enjoyed.

Each year as I prepare for my CCD class I print out a few key organizing sheets.  I use a yearly calendar in portrait form to put in my three ringed binder.  I like to use our Angel set personally.  You can find all of our printable calendar sets here.  Opposite to my calendar, I always put a Goal Oriented Monthly planning sheet for one singular subject; in this case, it is my CCD Religious Education class.  It lets me see my plans for the week and month including a space for a weekly focus, date, hands-on learning opportunity, and reading or assignment box.  This is simple but very effective especially if you are the kind of teacher that likes to or is willing to explore rabbit trails - little tangents - in your learning.  Find this resource here.

I use this layout to keep things organized but also to help keep things flexible as well.  Sometimes the learning pace needs to be adjusted to meet the needs of students, weather (we get snow days here :), or the liturgical calendar.  I would hate to miss a teachable moment because I was locked into a rigorous schedule.  You may forget a feast day or the Parish Mission or Penitential service may need to be added into the schedule, etc. Being flexible and goal oriented can not only keep you on track, but keep you feeling positive as well. 

If you like a block style calendar with goals then this layout may work a bit better for you.  This is not subject oriented.  You fill in the days and then assign your goals on the right by week.  This is great for scheduling in special church functions, guest speakers, saint feast days, class experiments, youth meetings or anything else that you may need to remember at a glance.  Find this resource here.

If you are looking to help your learners stay on track with assignments and tasks, then these check-off style sheets can help keep them working toward a goal in a manageable way.  These could be used for each class meeting or perhaps for the month, or even for the year.  I once used this sheet to track the entire year's reading goals.  I suppose it is like a homework sheet but when you call it a "goal" it seems more purposeful to learners. We have a nice selection of religious sheets as well as other themes.  And yes, we will be adding more themes throughout the year and trying to finish off the Rosary Collection.  Find these resources and other themes here.

I hope that these sheets help you prepare for your learning year in your living room or CCD Classroom!! :)


Kalei - That Resource Team

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