We are just a simple family trying to live in God's Glory

Proof that we really are just a simple family.

It is often supposed by many who visit our website or blog that we are somehow an organization, a non-profit, a company in disguise, or a large group of people behind one monitor.  We are simply a homeschooling family at the foot of the cross. 

For those who know us in "real life", they know that we suffer with physical ailments, practically live in service to our church, work from home, have little family support, and have children who require quite a bit of maintenance.  Our web sharing team is simply me and my husband.  That's all there is too it. :) We are just a simple homeschooling family sharing what we make for our kids, with your kids.  This whole project came to be almost six years ago when I prayed, "Speak Lord, your servant is listening."  St. Anthony quickly spoke to my heart with the task of creating our own resources and sharing it with others.  St. Conrad came on board with us as our intercessor for successful projects and we started a website.  We do what we do to answer our Lord's call to service. 
So today we thought it might be fun to share with you a bit of God's Glory from our own backyard garden.  See, we really are just a simple family.

Can you believe that this little pear tree . . .

is giving us over 24 pears this year!!

Our Hydrangeas, Snowballs as my late dad used to call them, are in full bloom.  We have quite a few different varieties.  We aren't great gardeners but we love what we have.  We just let God show His glory in its natural state.

We hope that you have a blessed week.  Don't forget to look for evidence of God's Glory in your own home and surroundings. 


That Resource Team


A Real Pilgrimage said...

what a beautiful testimony!!! Thank you for finding time to share all your great resources!! I admire all you do, thanks again!!

Rosario said...

Thank you for using the talents that God has given both you and your husband to help so many of us. Your garden is beautiful. I am not much of a gardener, but husband loves to have so much beauty in our garden that I just have to admire it from a distance. We will be using your virtue lessons from now until school starts. God bless you.

Paper Dali said...

Thanks so much for posting this! Consider me one of the people (well, until this post) who wondered, "Who is behind That Resource Site?" How absolutely sweet and wonderful to know it's a family.

Love the pictures of your pear tree and the hydrangeas. We just moved, and when we did, I had to leave behind my beloved hydrangeas there. They are so beautiful and I miss having them outside my window. Thanks for letting me look at yours. : )

And bless you for all you do!

Gardenia said...

what a wonderful surprise to read your post about your family. thanks for sharing ! I bet the pears are delicious. and your flowers are lovely.

Thatresourcesite said...

Thank you all for stopping by. It's so funny we have always been about sharing the resources, we never thought about sharing anything else..lol. Glad to have found you all.

Blessings, Kalei - That Resource Team

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