Sacramentals Themed Oversized Wall Calendar

New Over sized Wall Calendar for Year Round Use Focusing on Sacramentals

We are so excited to be able to offer this new wall calendar.  This is a great way to teach children and those new to the faith about sacramentals and the things that really make our Catholic Faith rich and unique.  We created this for our upcoming CCD classroom as we teach Sacramental prep for First Holy Communion and First Reconciliation.  We will also have one of these in our home as well.

This calendar is interactive as it asks the questions "What or What am I?" for each day of the month.  Monthly headers are provided for the entire year so that this calendar can be used during any liturgical season or month of the year.  This really is a great teaching tool.  Answers for each picture are provided on the last page.  Simply cut out the pieces and affix to your poster board or bulletin board.  See our webpage on our over sized monthly calendars to create your posterboard template.  These are great conversation starters too! :)

We have used much of our own photos for this set and almost every photo is from our parish here in Nanaimo, B.C. We especially want to thank our fellow catechist friend, Lillian, for letting us use her great shots - especially the one for Day 1 and stained glass ones.

As we begin our CCD year planning, we look forward to sharing more faith filled resources with you and your families or classrooms. Many newer resources will not make their way to the full website for a bit so make sure to visit us often so that you don't miss anything.

We hope you find this resource fun and useful.

Click Here to download our new Catholic Monthly Wall Calendar.


That Resource Team


Anonymous said...

This is wonderful. Thank you!

Gardenia said...

amazing. the photos are great.

Gae said...

Dear Kalei,
Another great resource. So timely for us at the moment too.
Thanks again.
I spent ages today down loading stuff from you Thanks again

BTW The Painted Saint Dolls are actually on my learning Blog, but you can access it by clicking Alphabet saints picture on the right hand side bar.
All I do is get a Saint picture and paint it with acrilics. It really is adictive and I love doing them.
Her is the direct link
I haven't added the birthday ones to the list yet.OOpps
I plan on making a Our Lady of Mount Carmel for Friday and having the Kids make some small ones from old fashioned pegs and bases.
have a great week
God Bless

Thatresourcesite said...

Great, Gae!

I'll drop by today and take a look.


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