New Big Book for Mother Goose in Prose by L. Frank Baum

Mother Goose isn't just for wee ones.

As part of our new Big Book collection we offer Mother Goose in Prose by L. Frank Baum.  We are actually using this as a resource for slightly older children as part of our CM (Charlotte Mason) style learning year.  As we have a child who hates poetry, prose and the like, we thought that this would be a great way to study simple poetry and prose, practice copywork and art, and discuss virtues and morals all at the same time.  Educational multi-tasking, eh?  (We love when learning works out that way!)

To use this resource simply print out, fill out, fold in half and bind on the left using a method of choice - folder, comb bind spine, rings, duo tang, or ringed binder.  The pages require a picture be drawn, the story retold and the original rhyme copied into it's own space for each story.  Do them all or just one.  The needs of each family are different.

A Note From Mama:  If you have never read this title before, you are in for a real treat.  Baum attempts to explain what the Mother Goose rhymes could actually mean in a realistic sense.  I fondly remember my mother reading these prose stories to me growing up, but I couldn't remember any of the plots or settings.  So noticing that I had not one but TWO hard cover copies of this book at home, I began to reread it.  I started with Little Boy Blue and was hooked.  That such a young child could be so virtuous and sacrificing was a real joy to read.  As I proceeded, each story had something that could be used as a tool to exemplify behaviour one way or another.  In Hey Diddle Diddle the Cat and the Fiddle, a little boy learns that heeding the advice of one's parent is a far better choice than succumbing to his own will.    And you'll never guess just how the cow manages to jump over the moon.  Very ingenious on the author's part.

We hope you enjoy this work.  We considered doing a PIY version to share but it would be too large a work and fairly pointless for us since we already had two copies.  It is very easy to find online.

We will be sharing many of our Big Books as we organize our forthcoming learning year.  We hope that many of the works we have selected will also be of use for your family too.

Click Here to download the Big Book of Mother Goose in Prose


That Resource Team

1 comment:

Gardenia said...

I've not heard of the Frank Baum book before -- found it online and it is delightful (andoh so old!) what a find.

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