July 5 - Learning Fun Begins Today In Johnny Crow's Garden!

Let's create a PIY Book for In Johnny Crow's Garden.

We usually post resources after we complete them, but we thought this time we would bring you all along for the ride.  Some people may wonder if we actually use or do everything we make.  Actually, yes, we do.  Why don't you come along for the ride over the next few days?

Our selection this time around is In Johnny Crow's Garden with illustrations by L. Leslie Brooke.  We selected this book because it could appeal to many different ages at once regardless of the fact that it is a picture book; but more importantly, one of our children really loves it and asked us to make it the focus of learning time for about a week or so.  So we thought...why not?

We have tried to make this as easy as we could.  These books in our PIY collection are public domain works.  They are usually available in a plain type of text or pdf.  We wanted to utilize e-texts and create books that really felt like real books, appealed to children, and of course, were free.  So, here is what we have.

Let's create our book.  You will need the following things:
  • the PIY file
  • a cutter or scissors
  • a piece of card stock - we used orange to match the optional front cover
  • comb binder and spine, rings, ribbon or other fastener such as brads or pronged fasteners - anything you prefer to fasten your book together.  Even a coloured twist-tie will work in a pinch. :)
  • a hole punch, if needed for binding.

First, download and print out the file like you would any plain .pdf file.  Stack pages neatly.

Next, fold the pages in half one by one and then stack them neatly in order with all the pages facing one direction.

Set aside the cover pages. When you have folded and stacked all of your numbered pages, turn the whole pile over and place the cover pages on the top so that the title page is on the top and the pages appear in order under it.  Cut a piece of card stock in half so that it is 8.5" x 5.5 and put half of it in the back for a back cover.  You could use the other half for the front cover if you would like or you can use the covers we have provided in the file.  Save the other half of the cut card stock for another PIY book or project.

Bind your book on the left using your favourite method of choice.  Brads are easy and cheap and require a hole punch.  Duo-tangs can be used too and just cut to fit a length of 8.5".  This book isn't very long and doesn't require very much paper. The whole process takes about 15 minutes to complete.

That's it..simple, fast, easy, and free.

Join us tomorrow as the activities begin.  Don't forget to pass along our blog to anyone who may be interested in some fun learning for kids Gr.1-6ish.

Click Here to download our PIY of In Johnny Crow's Garden.
Click Here to download our PIY of In Johnny Crow's Garden with colour cover option.

Click Here to see our other PIY books.


That Resource Team


Gardenia said...

This looks easy peasy. thanks for this idea.

Gardenia said...

hi. just replying to your email -- I couldn't get others' posts to post to my blog today either. maybe you could try again. I think blogger was down for a bit.

Anonymous said...

Wow there has been so much hard work here. These resources are brilliant thank you.
God bless

Gae said...

Oh I am so impressed with this.
We are just planning a Wind in the Willow study with our little ones and I love your ideas to use for this

Thatresourcesite said...

Glad that you like these Johnny Crow resources. We did a fun little week with it. I fizzled out before I could get the math sheets done. Perhaps when we revisit it again in a bit I can complete it as it is a favourite here.

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