The Adventures of Grandfather Frog by Thornton W. Burgess

Read and remember the Adventures of Grandfather Frog

Having grown up in Hawaii, I missed the simple things of God's glory that many others took for granted - ponds and meadows, woodland creatures, and seasons.  It's true I learned a great deal about the ocean environment, volcanoes, and tropical plants and animals, but I'll never forget the first time I saw a Garter Snake in our backyard, the leaves turning bright red on the Maple trees, or the afternoon a baby raccoon fell out of a 30ft pine tree nearly landing our oldest daughter's head by about 10 inches.  No these are not things I grew up with.  Having lived in two distinct environments has made me appreciate God Glory so much more.

This brings us to Thornton W. Burgess books.  They teach so much about nature in such a lovely way.  He incorporates rich truths about our world and gives great examples of virtuous and those still seeking virtuous behaviour through animal characters.  In today's resources we meet Grandfather Frog.  He is patient but very stubborn.  Oh the adventures he has in a simple little country side pond.

We offer two resources for this public domain work today.  The first is a readable version and the other is a Charlotte Mason style narration tool.

The PIY Version of The Adventures of Grandfather Frog by Thornton W. Burgess
These books are nice because the print has been enlarged for little hands, they look and feel like real books when bound neatly, the original pictures are still included and they are simple and fairly cheap to make.  To do this, simply print the file out as is in landscape mode, fold the pages in half keeping them in page order, select a cover, and bind on the left.  Feel free to search our other posts for a step by step on how to create this resource or visit here to see our entire collection of PIY books.

The Adventures of Grandfather Frog Big Book for Narration
This resource is the narration go-along for this story.  It gives a space to draw a picture as well as narrate a bit about the story chapter by chapter.  Since we like to make each Big Book special in some way, this book offers the opportunity for your child to create a character appendix of animals who make a solid appearance in this book.  This is fun - they draw out the character, tell a bit about them with the prompted page.  This is sure to be a hit. 

To use this resource, simply print this out as is in landscape mode, fold the pages in half keeping them in chapter order, fill out, and bind on the left with rings, brads, binder, folder, trimmed duo-tang, or comb spine.

We look forward to putting this book and other resources to go with it on its own book study page shortly.  Johnny Crow has just been added there.

We hope you enjoy these resources as they help to illustrate and teach about God's Glory in the natural world.

Click Here to download the PIY version of The Adventures of Grandfather Frog 
Click Here to download the Big Book for Narration for The Adventures of Grandfather Frog by Thornton W. Burgess.


Kalei - That Resource Team

1 comment:

Gardenia said...

You've introduced me to a new book. it sounds delihtful. thanks for the resources.

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