June 26 - List It!! F3 Pieces for South America, Europe, and Asia

More F3 Flip Flop Flap Pieces for Continental Studies.

Here are 3 more continents to add to your collection of F3 pieces for My Continental Adventure.  These are really working so well for us in our little homeschool.  We hope to have the rest of the continents done by tomorrow for you.

Don't forget to help us spread and build our online homeschool ministry.  Many homeschoolers will be breaking for just a few weeks and then the planning madness will begin - if it hasn't already for some.  :)  Please consider sharing our free resource site or blog with just one other entity - perhaps a friend, listserv, online group, blog, forum, tweet?  We're not picky..lol..lol.  We just want to reach as many homeschoolers as we can with our freebies before they go out and buy things for next year.

Click Here to download the List It!! F3 set for South America.
Click Here to download the List It!! F3 set for Europe.
Click Here to download the List It!! F3 set for Asia.


That Resource Team

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