May 31 - Hail Mary, full of grace!

Feast of the Visitation

Today we celebrate The Visitation on the liturgical calendar.  In this joyful mystery of the rosary, Mary visits Elizabeth and is joyfully greeted by her cousin and the infant, John the Baptist, in her womb.  It is during this visit that the words to the Hail Mary prayer reveal themselves to us.

"Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." Luke 1:42

Our resource today is trace copywork sheets for the Latin version of the Hail Mary Prayer.  Find the Ave Maria prayer in both print and cursive trace styles.

Click Here to download the Ave Maria trace copywork in print.
Click Here to download the Ave Maria trace copywork in cursive.

Don't forget to pray the Joyful Mysteries today! :)


That Resource Team

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