May 18 - We Learn by Mary's Example

Let us live and lead others by the Holy Mother's example
When we study about Mother Mary we learn that she is humble, loving, filled with charity, and willing to help others.  As we highlight our Holy Mother this month, let us not forget that by studying and learning about Mary, we too can become like her.  The resource we share today, in our opinion, comes from the heart of Mary as it is shared by a fellow homeschooling mom of 6 children - talk about humble, loving, filled with charity, and willing to help?

Find a neat little 4 page worksheet packet of A little bit of Greek generously shared by Thinking Love, No Twaddle.  These worksheets are really nice because the font is a good size, the concepts are presented in little chunks and it gives one an idea of what learning a little bit of Greek would be like.  As we study Latin in our homeschool, this will be a nice change of pace and a fun addition to our learning day.

Find out more about this mom at her blog.  We thank her so much for exemplifying Mary by sharing your time, talent, and knowledge with other homeschooling families.

If you would like to help grow our ministry by sharing a resource with others, drop us a line and let us know.  We can post your resource, give you full credit, and enable you to reveal your Heart of Mary to other homeschoolers.

Click Here to download A little bit of Greek worksheet pack.


That Resource Team


Gae said...

Thank you for these lovely resources again.
I have enjoyed your sharing them and use them with our children.
I hope you stop by and have a look at my own blog

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your kind words.
As I mentioned in my email, my family have benefited a lot from the freebies other people have kindly offered. It is good to be able to return the favour.
God bless

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