Ave Maria, Sancta Maria

Welcome to May, the month dedicated to our Mother Mary!!

As part of our May Mary resource collection, enjoy a video we created honouring our Holy Mother.  With music written and performed by our friend and fellow parishioner, Keith Phillips, this video shares some beautiful images of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  This song can easily complement any prayer or reflection time.  You can find the lyrics to this song below.  This is a great resource for those studying prayers in Latin as well.

Keith has shared his entire album on our website for everyone to enjoy.
You can listen online or download some of his songs from his page on our site. 
Listen Online

Ave Maria
Ave Maria
You are full of grace
And the Lord is with you
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Ave Maria
Blessed are you
Among all women
Ave Maria

Ave Maria
Ave Maria
And blessed is the fruit
Of your womb-Jesus
Ave Maria

Sancta Maria
Sancta Maria
Mother of God
Pray for us sinners
Sancta Maria

Sancta Maria
Sancta Maria
Pray for us at
The hour of our death
Sancta Maria
Ave Maria
Sancta Maria

1 comment:

Gardenia said...

such a beautiful video. the images are exquisite. and the voice is beautiful. thanks for sharing. happy month of Mary!

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